Background information

Luton Matters was a new initiative from The Steel Charitable Trust in 2019, designed to assist organisations whose work brings significant benefits to residents of Luton or improvements to the town. Grants are made in each of the Trust’s five funding priority categories (Arts & Heritage, Education, Environment, Health, Social or Economic Disadvantage), rolled out over a number of years.

Through Luton Matters, The Steel Charitable Trust provides grants of between £90,000 and £100,000 in total, paid over three years, one grant for each of the Trust’s five priority funding categories. There will only be one grant per category running at any one time. The grants are available by competitive application to support charitable projects that are aimed at improving the lives or opportunities of people who live within the Luton boundary. Where appropriate, preference will be given to projects that are delivered by local people and run by Luton-based organisations.

The table below shows the anticipated schedule of awards and applications*:

Award CategoryStatusNext new applicationsFor project start
Arts and HeritageCurrent project20252026
HealthCurrent project20232024
EducationCurrent project/Applications open July 202420242025
EnvironmentCurrent project/Applications open July 202420242025
Social or Economic DisadvantageCurrent project20252026
* subject to change if, for example, an award is not made in any category in any year
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